Schedule a Tour Today Call us to learn about our Infant Program. We will gladly schedule a tour of our center. Learn more about our Educational Program and meet the teachers Knowledge Seekers Academy 575 N Harris St Athens, GA 30601 Phone: (706) 548-5503

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(706) 548-5503
Toddler Program

Toddler Program

As babies learn to crawl and eventually graduate to walking, they are now entering the toddler stage. The toddle stage is an important mile stone in the

early development of children. As they interact more with their environment they will continuously learn new skills.  Toddlers learn a lot about themselves

and others through interaction with their environment. 

Learning through Play

Our Play-based learning curriculum is very enjoyable. Through play, toddlers will learn important skills such as problem solving, social interactions,

shapes and colors, refine motor skill development and so much more. Our teachers provide a loving, enjoyable and safe atmosphere that are toddles

simply love.

Social Interaction

We encourage social interaction with other toddlers as they learn the basics about relationships and emotions. Social interactions is the early steps to

verbal communication and critical thinking.

                Don’t Forget to Schedule a Tour                                                                               Call us Today a 706-548-5503
Schedule a Tour Today Call us to learn about our Infant Program. We will gladly schedule a tour of our center. Learn more about our Educational Program and meet the teachers Knowledge Seekers Academy 575 N Harris St Athens, GA 30601 Phone: (706) 548-5503
Toddler Program

Toddler Program

As babies learn to crawl and eventually graduate to

walking, they are now entering the toddler stage. The

toddle stage is an important mile stone in the early

development of children. As they interact more with

their environment they will continuously learn new

skills.  Toddlers learn a lot about themselves and others

through interaction with their environment. 

Learning through Play

Our Play-based learning curriculum is very enjoyable.

Through play, toddlers will learn important skills such as

problem solving, social interactions, shapes and colors,

refine motor skill development and so much more. Our

teachers provide a loving, enjoyable and safe

atmosphere that are toddles simply love.

Social Interaction

We encourage social interaction with other toddlers as

they learn the basics about relationships and emotions.

Social interactions is the early steps to verbal

communication and critical thinking.

Dont forget to Schedule a Tour Today (706)548-5503